
English only

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Well, I started this topic for anyone who's in the process of learning english and who want to improve their skills. In this thread, we can discuss any themes which we're interested.


Lemart, where have you been all this time?


P. S. I hope this my new educational initiative won't go to the the archive as previous. <_<

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weiss, hello! How are you?

I'm fine, just spend another day for working, reading a books, watching a conferences and an english lessons, other stuff. And you?


this theme created special for you

It's true. This topic isn't for only experienced speakers. I think that I'm doing a lot of typos, but without a practice any knowledge is useless.

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I think Lemart actually doesn't know english and he lied to us about it. Coz even mc_shked wrote something in this topic, but Lemart didn't write anything. Freedom's bastard :happy:

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I think Lemart actually doesn't know english and he lied to us about it

Maybe, i don't know :happy:


Freedom's bastard


Really? I'm not sure


English mem for english theme :happy:


Coz even mc_shked wrote something in this topic, but Lemart didn't write anything

I speak english, but my vocabulary is small.

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