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mc_shked, I didn't. We continue to learn any language as long as we live. I rate myself as ‘advanced’ when I read a nonfiction books, but for fiction the rating more like as ‘intermediate’ or ‘upper-intermediate’. If I try speak or write, the rating is lower.


How do I learn the language? Firstly, I read a many technical articles, posts, documentations, specifications, etc (it's the really big number which constantly increasing). Then I watched the brilliant course which I linked above and got some grammar experience. Now I'm watching this program again and reading a books, watching an original series. LinguaLeo also helps me to keep my own dictionary and to train a new words.


Most common thing that I can say, if you want to learn any language, you must understand the basic structure of its verb. In the case of english, it is ‘do(es)’, ‘did’ and ‘will’. BUT it's not enough.

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I am writing to correct (almost )

‘I write correctly/properly’ (almost, in a general sense), but ‘I'm writing now’. It is difference between Present Simple (I do) and Present Continuous (I am doing). But all this shit like a names of tenses are not important. You can write and speak properly without this knowledge like native speakers can do it without the. You just know that the ‘did’ is past, ‘will’ is future, ‘do’ is present, ‘a’ is ‘one’, ‘the’ is ‘this’ and so on.

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Freedom's bastard

Sad but true.



I think Lemart actually doesn't know english and he lied to us about it.

Lol? I just wasn't there when you just started this topic. By the way, I don't have enough of free time for forums or games right now.

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weiss, for first - school. I should end it well, without any probs, they just can kick me, so I hardly study atm (at this moment).
For second - I must work all night. And I'm working. Trying to survive (:D) :(

mc_shked, glad to see you too! 

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