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Just found the most sincere and honest opinion without f-cking door knobs from american guy that came at Sochi Olympics despite of all the ridiculous bullshit that american government is forcing in the media.



My expectations for the Olympics in Russia were not high. After registering with the United States State Department, I had been receiving warnings of terrorist attacks and lack of basic necessities in Sochi on almost a daily basis. My friends warned me to avoid mass transit, standing in crowds, using my cell phone and most importantly, wearing anything that identified myself as an American. The web reported rampant dog killing, homophobia and accounts of parents not wanting to risk their own safety to support their Olympian children.

The complaints were endlessly echoed and transformed. According to the American media, the Olympics in Russia were no place for an American, especially one who wanted to support American athletes. Russia was too corrupt, clumsy, harsh and dangerous for the developed people of the West

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